Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Day Off

Well I haven't spent the whole day at home.  I know this will shock those that think they know me, but I went into the Creation Museum for a while this morning.  My work laptop had to be repaired so I was using a loaner. It was faster than my computer as it had been reformatted, but the screen had a smaller resolution than my normal computer so it was an adjustment.  I just heard that my computer was done, so I had to come in so that I could get my regular computer back.

I did manage to get a few other things done while I was there of course.  I also ate lunch there--the lasagna wasn't bad, though the bread sticks aren't as good as other ones I remember.  I'm back at home now, thinking of going over to my sister's place in a bit.  The kids built a snow fort so I think I'd like to take pictures of that.  And I think that I'll try to watch more Olympics tonight.  I've really been enjoying that--though last night I went over to a friend's place and watched a movie.


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