Monday, March 01, 2010

Patriotic Museum

I may have blogged this picture before (come to think of it I'm pretty sure I have)--but if I have, then just consider this a review, ;-).  I took this picture one day because I needed a patriotic picture of the Creation Museum for a blog post (I think it was about Memorial Day).  I think it turned out well, especially with the fold in the flag.

Pictures like this where the foreground contributes to the focus on the background are quite interesting to compose.  I should look for more opportunities to take shots like this...


PS I just had a "duh" moment when scheduling this post.  I couldn't understand why Blogger told me that 2/29 was an illegal date.  I just wanted it to be one day after my last scheduled post for 2/28...  I think I finally figured it out.  ;-)

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