Monday, February 01, 2010


I'll be without my work computer for a while... :( Two sections of my screen have blacked out. I'm not sure what it is, but the pixels in a ragged stripe along the top and a smaller one along the bottom of the screen are dead. Thankfully the computer was still under warranty through the thirty-first so our IT department was able to arrange for a repair. It is strange that something of mine (or that I use) would go bad before the warranty expires--it is usually after, ;-).

The bad part is that the loaner computer will be older and won't run as fast as my current computer (which isn't exactly the newest model). But at least I'll be able to use all of the programs that I use and they'll keep the hard drive on this computer safe. Otherwise I'm sure that I'd go crazy if I was without my computer for a week or longer (we have no idea how long the repair will take).


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