Monday, February 22, 2010

Snowy Deer

The snow is in the middle of melting away, but here is a shot from when it was still falling.  I walked around the trails of the Creation Museum botanical gardens on Presidents' Day--determined that I would get snow pictures from across the lake, something I had thus far not managed to do.  This was one of the shots that I got near the end of my trip.  I decided not to try the trails near the lake (along the boardwalk and by the gazebo) and instead came back the way I had already walked.  It was a good idea as it let me grab one of the shots I used on the Creation Museum blog to compare winter with other seasons.  This shot was also one that I used for comparison purposes.  the other shot was also one of mine, taken in roughly this same spot on a very foggy morning.  A print of this is actually hanging up in the Answers in Genesis offices on a wall of pictures.  I hope to have a blog post about that gallery up within the week for the Creation Museum.


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