Tuesday, April 06, 2010


I didn't plan to wake up this early, but now that I'm awake I might as well use the time. I woke up around five and have read a few things on my iPhone. I'll get up in a few minutes and start breaking down my tent. We need to be all packed up and ready to go by seven. Of course it is still dark as sunrise isn't until after seven.

I'm really looking forward to the rest of this trip. I know it will be hard work paddling, but fun also. I look forward to doing some more canoe and/or tent camping with my brother and nephews at some point. I never got a chance to go backpacking with my parents as they were done with it by the time I was old enough.

Some people in the group have already taken short trips into the swamp and seen gators and other wildlife. I forgot to borrow a pair of binoculars, but hopefully my camera will be good enough for closer views with it's 12x zoom.

I hear packing starting around me so I think I'll start to get up now. I don't expect to have signal in the swamp, but in case I do I'll switch my phone off most of the time to save it's charge.

Good morning and hello gaters! :-)


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2010 iWolff Ltd.

Location:Unnamed Rd,Folkston,United States

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