Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Geographic Quiz

Last night I came home to find that the latest issue of National Geographic had arrived.  I enjoy reading the magazine, but before going through I start I always look at the address label.

There is always a short geography quiz printed at the top of the address label.  I enjoy testing my geographic knowledge against these questions.  Most of the time I can get a majority of them right, if not all five.  My nephew Chase is usually disgusted when I get them all right, wondering how I know such random things.  Once again this month I was able to get all five right, though some were very easy to guess or to know because of my history background.  I'll reproduce the questions below (originally from the National Geographic Bee) but not the answers until a few people venture guesses.

1. Bohemia and Moravia are two regions located in which formerly communist country that joined NATO in 1999?

2. From 1910 until World War II's end, the Korean Peninsula was controlled by which island country to its east?

3. Buddhism was introduced more than 2,200 years ago to which South Asian island country on the Gulf of Mannar?

4. In 1938, the Anschluss occurred when Germany annexed which other German-speaking country?

5. Which country's population does not include a large percentage of Hindus--Cambodia, India, or Nepal?



  1. 1. Croatia?
    2. Japan
    3. Not a clue
    4. Sudetenland land of Czechoslovakia
    5. Nepal

  2. 1. Czech Republic
    2. Japan
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. Austria
    5. Cambodia
