Thursday, April 08, 2010

Georgian Update

I gave up and decided to stop driving near Macon. Georgia rest areas don't allow you to stay the night so I couldn't catch much sleep in any of them, and I might not be close when I got tired. I did end up stopping in to a motel for the night.

I don't plan to stay up too late. I want to get up early, grab some continental breakfast, and get on the road in good time. We'll see how that works out.

I wouldn't have minded camping somewhere for the night but I didn't research campgrounds before I left. Also it took me until after dusk to reach interstates and I wouldn't have wanted to hit anything before that milestone. Tomorrow I'll just have highway driving where I can make good speed. Next time I'll make sure the timing is better or there is another driver. I wouldn't mind taking turns driving and sleeping.


PS I'm near Arkwright (Noah?) and Tom Hill roads--quite fascinating.
PPS Trip pics will have to wait until Nashville.

-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2010 iWolff Ltd.

Location:Arkwright Rd,Macon,United States

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