Thursday, April 01, 2010


Today is my grandma's birthday.  Yes, she was born on April Fool's Day, 1920.  Today Rose Yeley is 90 years old!  I wish that I could spend the day with her, but alas she is many states away.  I'll be to be content with e-mailing her and calling (hopefully I can get through--I'm sure many of her kids and grandkids will call).  I have many good memories of my grandma.  She is the only grandmother I ever knew since my dad's mom died before I was born.

I grew up in California and for many years my grandma and granddad lived in Arizona.  I remember when they would drive up to visit us.  Their white car parking beneath the tree at the edge of the driveway.  In later years they tended to fly, especially as my granddad's health started to fail.  She has often told me about my first day of school.  I don't actually remember the day, but she has told me about it often.  She walked me to school that day and I held her hand--but as the years went on I didn't always want to hold her hand.  I certainly wouldn't mind holding her hand if I was walking with her now.

Whenever grandma visited she wanted a fire in the fireplace.  So when she stayed for a while we had to make sure that the woodpile was well stocked.  In the morning you would find her in her green bathrobe, sitting in front of the fire with a hot cup of coffee...  I think she really liked to visit us for our fireplace.  Her place in Tucson, Arizona only had a gas fireplace.  I remember that place well.

They lived in Highlands Mobile Home Park in Tucson (technically Oro Valley).  I remember that all the streets were named after mountains.  My grandparents lived on Kittatinny.  I remember Granddad's grapefruit trees, cooking hot dogs on the patio, walking to the pool with Grandma, eating her amazing cranberry relish (I've even made it a couple times).  We could drive down to Tucson in a day--so many holidays and other times were spent there.  I remember driving up and down Tangerine road--the road is crossed by many washes and I always thought it was like driving over a row of Tangerines--up and down...  I remember visiting too after my granddad died.  It was while I was in college--but I drove down with my parents.  I was a pallbearer along with the other grandsons there.  She didn't stay in Tucson too long after that--she ended up moving north to live with my Uncle Jim (well one of my Uncle Jims--I have three of them actually--one has a good blog).

Now my grandma lives in Montana, and I've never had a chance to visit her there.  But she spends time with her kids in different states.  I've gotten to see her several times in Nashville when she has visited my parents.  This last year I even got to take her through the Creation Museum!  That was a fantastic day.  I'd known for a while that she would love the Museum.  She is a faithful Christian and has always been a great example of a Christ-centered life.  Anyone who knows her will tell you that my grandma is always praying.  I know that whatever happens she'll be praying for you.  I remember her carrying around little tracts that she would always give to cashiers or others saying "have a good day."  She always has a smile on her face.  I joke that she is my favourite grandma (since she is my only grandparent), but I really do mean it.  I love my grandma.  She is even technical.  She has an account on Facebook and has used Skype and e-mail for many years.

She has many grandkids and great-grandkids.  She takes the time to send each one of them an e-mail for their birthday each year.  It is always cool to see what she'll write since she sends the e-mail to the family as well as the birthday boy or girl.  So in honor of my grandma this is my birthday note to her.

I hope that you have an amazingly wonderful day on your ninetieth birthday Grandma!  I love you very much.  You are my favourite grandmother.  I wish that I could be with you today, but since I cannot this electronic missive will have to do.  I found this verse for you since you have always been a faithful example to me:  1 Chronicles 16:34  "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His faithful love endures forever."


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