Sunday, April 25, 2010


I learned to type on a typewriter, and my typing used to be relatively free of errors.  You cannot correct errors on a typewriter as you can with a computer and word processing program.  As I have migrated to the computer, instant messaging, e-mail, multiple word processing programs, and other forms of input the number of typos I produce has increased.  I set Microsoft Word to auto-correct some of the most frequent, so often I don't even know I've made the mistake until I'm typing in a program that doesn't auto-correct.  Other times I've trained my fingers to quickly backspace and correct the error (as I just did when typing the word "correct").

One of the most frequent errors that I made is mistyping the word the.  I frequently (often multiple times in the same paragraph or even sentence) type it as "teh."  I'm not sure why my fingers have become trained in this pattern.  I wish that I knew an easy way to fix the problem.



  1. you happen to know an old fashioned typing teacher. Maybe one of them could help you....

  2. You might try typing THE several hundred times on a manual typewriter.
