Saturday, April 24, 2010


I just upgraded my Google account with more storage.  I know this may surprise some of you, but I tend to save things.  I especially like to save e-mails, and I have frequently searched through old e-mails.  This is one reason I love Gmail and Google--search is so easy.  Well I've been getting close to the limit on my Gmail account for a while.  It has happened before, but Google used to increase the amount of free storage they offered at a faster rate.  I knew that eventually I would max out my account and I'd have to buy storage--additionally the more pictures I upload to my blog and Picasa the less room I have there.  Some time ago I looked into the cost of additional space and was surprised by its affordability.  Google is great anyway for how much they offer for free, but the paid plans aren't bad either.  I just added 20 GB of storage across all of my Google services for only $5.00 a year.  Since I've had my Gmail account since 2004 I think that this is a very affordable plan, especially since the free storage (my purchased storage is added to the free amount) continues to incrementally increase.

1 comment:

  1. I am using 17%... for email, that is. If I had continued using Picasa, I'm sure that would be full.
