Sunday, May 02, 2010

Defending Arizona

I read a variety of political blogs.  No, none of them are from the left--as I know that would just increase my blood pressure.  But the blogs that I read aren't ones that I always agree with.  Some are more libertarian than I am, some are fiscally conservative but socially liberal--but they are all good sources of information, much better than simply picking up the daily paper.

The recent stink over Arizona's new law is a great example of why I enjoy reading blogs.  From these blogs I've gotten a much better picture of what is actually going on.  The Arizona legislature and governor aren't racist--they aren't horrible people, they are simply trying to enforce existing laws.  You can read a great post on the topic at Legal Insurrection.  It is a part of a series about people playing the race card.  I always enjoy seeing new posts on this blog as they are unfailingly fascinating reading.  William Jacobson's reasoned arguments are quite refreshing.  Pure vitriol or rhetoric has a place but doesn't always further thought, only emotion.  If you've never taken a look at Legal Insurrection then check it out.  You might enjoy it... ;-)


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