Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do your Parents use Chrome?

When I read that question on a blog I frequent I had to chuckle.  My parents actually do use Chrome.

Several years ago when my parents moved from California I persuaded them to switch to Gmail for e-mail.  My mom had been with AOL for years (since originally having a CompuServe account in the nineties), but I'd grown to strongly dislike many things about AOL.  I explained to my mom that since they wouldn't have an ISP while they moved (they were going to be on the road for months before settling into their new house) they should switch to a web based service like Gmail so they could permanently keep the same address--no matter what ISP they had.  At the same time I set them up with Firefox and a bookmarks synchronization so they could run the browser off either their laptop or memory stick.

I used Firefox for many years but didn't like how it turned into a memory hog.  Therefore when Google deployed Chrome I was quick to try it out.  I've loved nearly everything about it.  There are still some sites (especially Microsoft ones) that you need to use IE to properly access, but by and large I can do everything I need on-line with Chrome.  I especially love the Incognito feature as I can thus be logged into two different Google accounts in the same browser.

Recently I downloaded Chrome onto my mom's laptop and asked her to try it out.  After several weeks she called and asked me how to make it the default browser as she preferred it to Firefox.  Don't misunderstand me, I still like Firefox and will always remember it fondly, but I've discovered that I enjoy Chrome even more (and I won't consider using IE as my primary browser).



  1. Ditto. And that is all I am going to say about that.

  2. Two of the girls have it on their school computers, but can't use it to access school, IDVA and Inspire. Therefore we are still using IE.

