Friday, June 18, 2010

Chocolate and Fruit

They don't mix. This piece of yogurt pie had chocolate shavings as well as raspberries. I took the chocolate off and gave it to my sisters before enjoying the rest.


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2010 iWolff Ltd.


  1. Hmmm...I've never heard of yogurt pie before.

  2. Oh, my family has made it for years. But be warned, 'tis terribly hard to make, ;-). You combine two small containers of yogurt (in CA we bought 8 oz containers so we used two, out here I can only find 6 oz so I usually use almost three) with a tub of Cool Whip. Mix together (add food coloring if you like), pour into a graham cracker crust, and let it set in the fridge overnight. They are delicious! Lime (not key lime) is my favourite flavor--but I've only ever found that particular yogurt in California.
