Friday, June 11, 2010

Crocs, Hippos, and Scarabs

I've fallen a bit behind blogging, but I have a good excuse.  I've been eyeball deep in registration details for the conference that I'm assisting with.  I was working for many hours yesterday to get ready for this morning.  Then this morning I assisted with the organized chaos that was the parent check-in process.  Now I'm working on re-doing things for the morrow.  Let me just say that I don't plan to get a massive amount of sleep until I return home, ;-).  Saturday is the last day of the conference--but we have to pack up everything that evening after it all ends.  I am hoping that we can stop by a point of historical interest on the way home.  I'm not sure where, but our driver (Dan) is also quite interested.  :-)  I'd better get back to work at this point through.


PS The title of the post references various group names we're using since we adapted the Answers in Genesis VBS program The Egypt File.  It is a pretty cool program.  Consider trying it out with your church VBS.  AiG materials aren't all "science-based" (though they have solid science in them) or all "Creation vs. Evolution" (though those components are there).  The key feature of an AiG product is its emphasis on biblical authority.

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