Thursday, June 03, 2010

Day Three

I just took my pill for day three. There are only two left. Hopefully it won't be too many days before I'm completely well. I'm not sure where I got strep from, but I'd be quite happy if I didn't encounter it again!


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2010 iWolff Ltd.

Location:Highland Ave,Fort Mitchell,United States


  1. Is this the first time you got strep? I got it one week up at college. I think that is the only time I got it. Your nieces didn't get the 5 day pills. They are taken it for 10 days right now. Oh well, I can't handle the 5 day stuff. It gives me really sharp pains and I also have to trot a lot.

    Hope you get well soon.


  2. I think I had it five years ago when I moved to Kentucky--but I never went to the doctor then.

    I haven't had any issues with the pills--just less pain in my throat! :-)
