Monday, January 24, 2011

Cleaning Discoveries

I've been cleaning things out recently and have found some interesting things that I'd long ago forgotten about.

Have you ever heard the line ignorance is bliss?  A while ago I wrote a twist on that: "Yea verily I walk through the valley of the shadow of ignorance, but I know no bliss."

I also found a bookmark from a place called "The Bookstore" with an amusing tagline that they have been "serving the community since last Tuesday."

And lastly (well it isn't the last thing I found, but the last I'll post about) I found a letter from Mark Baker.  Mark works for the accounting department at The Master's College.  One day he had to send me a letter saying that the college records showed a check to me hadn't been cashed and he slightly tweaked the form letter:
"Please respond on the bottom of this letter and return to me at Box #35 or stop by my office in Vider Hall.  Or talk to me at dinner.  Or at my apartment.  Or on the way to my apartment.  Or on the way back to the dorm from my apartment.  Or in your dorm room."

Ah, memories... :-)


1 comment:

  1. As soon as you said letter from me, I knew what it was.

    Sadly, I would have to send you the plain form letter know since you decided to move 2/3 of the way across the country.
