Tuesday, April 12, 2011

God is Present

I found something that I'm pretty sure I didn't write, but I have no idea of the source.  I must have copied it from somewhere.

I was regretting the past and fearing the future.  Suddenly My Lord was speaking.

"My name is I am."
He paused.
I waited.  He continued.
"When you live in the past with its mistakes and regrets, it is hard.  I am not there.  My name is not I WAS.
When you live in the future, with its problems and fears, it is hard.  I am not there.  My name is not I WILL BE.
When you live in this moment, it is not hard.  I am here.  My name is I AM."

Its an interesting piece.  I've always liked the name "I AM."  So much is contained within those two words that so well describe God.