Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I'm always on the lookout for new sci-fi...and believe me, it is hard to find.  I was on Hulu watching some episodes when I came across something.  I'd been watching Warehouse is cheesy, but not horrible.  I lost track of Eureka a while ago and a couple other shows looked too far along to pick up (e.g. Sanctuary).  Currently only Doctor Who is fulfilling my sci-fi fix (though it is doing a good job it isn't quite enough).  I found Ark, a web series apparently published last year on Hulu.  I can't find much about it on the web (apart from some articles written in 2010, but it was a fun watch.  Apparently it was filmed on a shoestring budget and each "episode" is only a few minutes long--the shortest is three minutes and the longest a bit over nine minutes).  If you like sci-fi give it a try.  I might be repeating what others have said, but with the mystery it reminds me a bit of Lost--in the good old days (when the show was still enjoyable, long before the final season).  But it is good sci-fi also.

You can watch all of the episodes for free on Hulu, so give it a look. I certainly hope that more of it pops up someday...


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