Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blacksmith Relocation

While we did visit the blacksmith shop while in Williamsburg it wasn't the regular location.  At the present time the blacksmith is located next to the wheelwright's shop.  See a nail being made in this video.

I remember seeing the old blacksmith shop last November.  But apparently Colonial Williamsburg researchers realized that the prior blacksmith shop wasn't completely accurate so they tore it down and are currently working on the replacement.  One of the guys there told us that they'll be tearing down the building next door and rebuilding a tinsmith's building after the blacksmith is finished.  Several pictures below illustrate the current construction efforts and the signage explaining it.

The kitchen was located very close to the blacksmith shop, which looks strange to modern eyes, but they discovered that the foundations were very close to each other, so they rebuilt the buildings that close.

Front of the blacksmith shop.

Blacksmith shop and kitchen (red)
Blacksmith shop (side view)

Apparently there is a webcam where you can watch the construction of the blacksmith shop.  I noticed the camera itself when we were standing by the fire.
The building design will incorporate several modern features, like roofing material under the shingles and copper plating around the doorways that will help with weathering but won't be visible to guests.

They expected to start completing this side soon.

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