Saturday, November 19, 2011


I'm wrapping up the last Overnight of the year. It has been an interesting group (more adults--parents--than kids), but quite well behaved.

When coming in last night I realized that I had forgotten my sleeping bag. My amazing wife drove home got the stuff you brought it back to me later in the evening. She was wonderful, and it was good to see her a bit more than normal.

When walking through one of the exhibit areas I found a ceiling panel that had fallen down. Our Art Department director was still around, so I called him to come and take a look. We both held it up and tried to move it back into place, but it just didn't seem to fit. Finally he managed to move it slightly and it was back in place.


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2011 iWolff Ltd.

Location:Deck Ln,Burlington,United States

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