Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Videos around Williamsburg

Now of course there aren't videos directly in Colonial Williamsburg, but I took several videos while we were going through Colonial Williamsburg recently.

We took a tour of the capitol building and I recorded part of the presentation.

I saw a nail being made in the blacksmith's shop.

Amy and I always like going into the kitchen next to the Governor's Palace. The cooks make food and then leave it out on display for a while so that people can see the different dishes. It is always fun if you can see them when they are actually making the various dishes.

The three historical 18th century oyster shells contain three dozen modern oysters!

In the evening we saw the tail end of a Revolutionary City presentation. I've always enjoyed the sounds of the fife and drums, so I recorded two different segments:


1 comment:

  1. I have been enjoying your posts. I wish we would have had time to visit that when we were out for your wedding.

