Saturday, February 04, 2012

Shooting Dinosaurs

For a while now I've been working on a project that is setting up an archery range at the Museum.  We'll be offering our first workshops in the spring and so I have a few details that still need fine tuning.  One of those is putting together some additional targets.  We were given several dinosaur targets.  Earlier this week I started gluing them together.  It has been a fun experience that I've figured out as I went along.  I just remarked to someone that was helping me today that I've learned so many things at this job and done tasks that I never thought that I'd be doing.  This was certainly one of those.

Here you can see a couple dinosaurs that have had their tails glued on:

This one has been fully assembled and I'm just waiting for the glue to dry:

I'll try to finish the others up tomorrow or early in the week and then take them out to the archery shed where I'm storing other targets and supplies.


1 comment:

  1. It looks great. It sounds like a fun thing to do at the museum.

