Monday, March 12, 2012

My Cute Wife

Yesterday while we were exploring Drewry's Bluff I had the opportunity to get several pictures of my beautiful wife.  I thought that it would be good to post these as a separate entry.
Amy climbed up on a large protrusion from a double tree and I climbed up behind her so that I could peek out from between the trunks.  It wasn't an easy climb, but I did manage to get up there with Amy's help (it was much easier for her to get up on her side).  My sister-in-law Joanna took these pictures and I think that they turned out rather well.

Yes, I do like kissing my wife, even if other people are around.  I don't mind being of accused of being on our honeymoon or being newlyweds.  I really hope that we get accused of that (for many reasons) for many years hence.

Yes, I have an amazingly beautiful (and cute) wife!!  :-D


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