Sunday, December 12, 2004

Aren't Cults fun?

Okay...right now I'm hating computers...I don't even want to put down what I'm thinking. I had a great multi-paragraph post typed out. The internet connection here was screwing up so I copied the text to paste it into Word...well I actually cut it. But somehow it got wiped from the clipboard and all memory of it erased within IE. Grrrrrrr... I'll think about reconstructing what I can, but I really dislike rewriting from memory what I've already written. The second draft (when the first is lost) never measures up to the memory of the first. Okay, well first and explanation of the title.

Last Sunday we didn't go to Sunday School since my eldest local nephew and I were sleeping off (for three hours) the effects of an all-night series of Laser Tag games with his Boy Scout troop (he just made first class btw). This week is the first of the new session, so I got to get in on the ground floor of a class that is topical (Cults and other religions) and yet also somewhat replaces and has absorbed the old College and Career Singles group. The message today was about atheism...and was entitled "I don't believe in Atheism" for "the fool has said in his heart 'there is no God.' " and yet we know that all have within a knowledge of God, however much they may try to suppress it. Furthermore I went to the College and Career Singles Home Fellowship (like Community Groups--the term used at my church in Southern California) Group Christmas party (also the last meeting until January). It involved a White Elephant gift exchange so I dropped by the local Wal-Mart and picked up a Care Bears DVD from the bargain bin. Feeling somewhat foolish buying a Care Bears DVD I also (though I probably shouldn't have spent the money) picked up the movie Evolution from the same bargain bin. It was of course steeped in Evolutionary theory (concerning rapidly evolving alien organisms) and from the director of Ghostbusters (which I've still not yet seen fully--I caught a few moments a couple nights ago). I enjoyed it though, it was a good flick IMHO.

The rest of my discourse concerned the author I'm currently reading (Barbara Hambly) and the artist who did the artwork for one of her covers as well as for many other authors (Michael Whelan). I'll get into their story at a later date (but for now I must get in my plug by mentioning that Michael illustrated the last Dark Tower book for Stephen King and they are definitely the best and most accurate illustrations in the entire series!).


PS Now I'm off to save this (it had better copy this time!! Grrr...) and add a PPS when I actually post it on-line.
PPS Success! The file saved okay and I’m about to post it on-line! :-)
PPPS Posting now...oh, and spell check in Word was great! ;-)


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I'm very much enjoying my ADSL line... where the only thing I have to worry about is doing something stupid... like closing the window, hitting BACK, or manually deleting my posts!!

    What did you get for your white elephant gift?


  2. A little cheap digital watch by "The Dog." I should probably take a picture of it soon...
