Saturday, December 11, 2004

The North Pole

Today was my youngest local nephew's birthday (did that make sense to y'all? ;-) ) so we went on a train ride themed on the movie "The Polar Express" (yes, those of you that hate Santa please stop reading) and then went to see the above mentioned movie afterward. For his birthday dinner he selected hamburgers and hot dogs and corn...definately a hit with me! :-)

I was definately tired after work on Friday, but it was good...09:30-17:30...hopefully I'll get a regular route set up for Monday. Oh, and last night I went to a dinner for the church's College and Career was great. I got to know the people in the group over a great dinner. While I'll never be able to replace my scattered friends from California I think that I'll definately be fitting in with this group, more than I ever did at the new church my parents began attending while I was at TMC or even with the college group at school that I rarely attended. this bad? I can't really think of anything more to say right now... :( I think I definately need to strive to log on at least once per day, if only to update this blog. My memory being what it is I believe I will be better off updating each day.

Oh, one more thing...there was a used bookstore in Watertown, the hamlet at the end of the train ride. So, like a duck near water, I was of course drawn into this wonderful establishment. I ended up purchasing a fantasy novel to complete a trilogy that I only recently discovered was at least two books, and then a trilogy...and Stephen King's The Eyes of the Dragon which I've wanted to read after completing his Dark Tower series (definately a magnificent epic!!).


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