Friday, December 31, 2004

The Best Laid Plans...

Of Mice, Men, and I go astray... ;-)

Well, what can I say? I had hoped to be in California by this time...watching some Babylon 5 episodes and doing some packing. Unfortunately I just missed the flight that I was supposed to fly standby on and all of the other flights (these to LAX instead of the original Orange County destination) were booked solid and there was no way I would get on any of them. My brother-in-law arranged for me to fly out tomorrow morning (we leave for the airport at six...yeah! ;-) ). The flight should have plenty of empty spaces so there should be no worries.

I had a good night tonight though, I got in some quality reading at the airport :-) and enjoyed my time going over to a house with the family this evening--I even got to see Christopher for a few minutes before he headed over to a youth party, :-). It was good to spend some extra time here, though I do sorely want to be in California so I can dig hands-on into my final packing. Additionally I want to have more than just a day to say goodbye to California. *sigh* I'm sure that there is something that God wants me to learn from this experience, I'm just not exactly sure what it is yet.

Okay, well I'd better sign off now, I just remembered that I have some webcomics to catch up on and so I'd better get going and reading before it is 2005! (that being only 12 minutes away here!) :-)



  1. Hmm... so you rang in the New Year reading webcomics? Please tell me you at least headed downstairs to watch that metal chunk in NYC fall down.

    I was glad I got to see you tonight, too! I'm really excited that soon you'll be living across the street and I'll be able to see you more often!

    Hmm... it's 2am, where did today go? Did I really wake up this morning in Fruita, Colorado? Yikes!! A lot can happen in a day.

    Oh, Matt, enjoy the drive out here from the OC. It probably won't be very eventful, but enjoy knowing you don't have any other obligations for that week. The only thing in the world you have to do is drive a car with the U-Haul here to Cincinnati. Take the time to relax, think, and enjoy with your parents.


  2. What you are supposed to learn is that you aren't supposed to leave CA at all. Think of all the road blocks in your way. :)

    Who ever said I was selfish? Well, they were right!
