Thursday, December 30, 2004

Mid-Day Update

I have a second blog that some might be interested in. It is one that I started just so that I would have a Xanga account...but now looks as though it might become something I regularly contribute to. The Spectral Lounge is a place where I'll review and talk about the books that I'm reading. The name comes from a thread that I started in a lounge on the TrekBBS in honor of a fellow member with the username including the word "ghost." I've only made one substantial entry so far, but I welcome comments and suggestions (though please make them at the Lounge ;-) ) and hope that others might enjoy what I write. But of course I'll probably be using the archives myself for those times when I can't remember a book that I read before... :-)

My sister drove me out to two temp agencies and a bank today...I've found out how to seek employment at each. I'll be getting right on that when I return. And if I can get an alarm set for tomorrow morning I'll also be calling Tennessee to talk to my former UPS supervisor to see if I can get a recommendation for working for UPS up here in Northern Kentucky. That is all for now but I'll post when next I'm able.


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