Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Crosses to Bear

Well I'm sure you've all heard that we all have our crosses to bear, right? Well I certainly did tonight, quite literally. ;-) A while ago my brother made a cross for his church, it is made of poplar (regretably not balsa wood) and fairly heavy. Tonight he and I (along with the two older nephews for a while) joined three other guys to mount the cross on the wall of the sanctuary. It was a rather interesting process that involved quite a bit of work and ladder climbing (which I declined). Thankfully once we got the brackets up we were able to put the matching ones onto the cross without too much trouble and get it all mounted. The last part went rather quickly, but the whole process took about three hours.

Work was another good day. I forgot to mention yesterday that Jerry, the first driver (I worked with the same two drivers today) between his smoking (though he was considerate and blew the smoke out the window as much as he could, or shut the connecting door to the back of the van) and Bill's cussing it was interesting... ;-) But really they're both nice guys. While I don't like hearing it Bill doesn't cuss to upset people or tick them off, it is just very natural to him, as much as saying "um" or "darn" might be to me. Oh, and don't get me wrong...he is a great guy to be around, so the comparison to my friend John wasn't meant at all to be insulting or anything...

I stayed with Jerry longer this morning, not transferring to Bill's truck until 13:00 or so... I mainly helped him with pick-ups after only goinging in a couple buildings. Thankfully many offices were cutting back and so had no or fewer pick-ups this close to Christmas... :-) Oh bother, I know I was going to say something more about my day at work, but I simply can't remember what it was. I'm sure that this all will have to do.



  1. Longer? Hmm... methinks 'twas on the wee side.

    Anyway... I replied to your comment on my blog... you messed the time zones up again :-P


  2. It is getting colder...

    PS Chris, I replied... ;-)
