Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Ice a Comin'

Well the storm front is moving in, set to hit Nashville head on, not bypassing the area as it often does to the north. Today was a very rainy day and I was glad that for the third day in a row I was doing commercial deliveries instead of a residential route. The rain has already started to freeze on the ground at this time and will probably continue through the night. My brother thinks that the roads will probably be fine, so my first ice driving experience shouldn't be too bad, I hope.

This morning I went out with Jerry again, but thankfully I got to stay with him the whole day. I didn't really dislike transferring to Bill's truck, except for the fact that I had no opportunity to stop for lunch with Bill, he kept on going right through lunch. On a cold rainy day like today it was especially nice to relax for a while in a restaurant (though to save money I've continued to pack my own lunch).

The day went off like yesterday morning, that is fairly well. We had an older board (the bar code scanning devices that also record recipient signatures) that Jerry would key up for my packages. I could then take off with those packages and go to one office while he hit another using his board. I'm saddened to think about how much I've learned doing this job that won't be useful anymore come Christmas Eve night when I'm no longer working for UPS...*sigh* However I might be exploring part-time opportunities with the company (if possible) for the duration of my job-searching time. It wouldn't be bad to get early morning or evening part-time work. It would give me time to go job-hunting and the other things I need to get done before I start working, and would also ensure that I would continue to have money coming in even as I was required to spend it.

When I had to get gas tonight it only cost 1.689, not a bad price compared to what is being charged in California I'm sure! :-) It is also about 11 cents cheaper than most other stations around was Costco. :-)

Okay, I did promise to try for a longer post, but I have to make a phone I need to wrap this up. I investigated the prices of TN vanity plates and found that they only cost an additional $35 a year. I've been really thinking about this for a while, and I believe I can do this... :-) My first two choices would be Star Trek related, the registry numbers of the USS Enterprise (NCC1701) and the USS Defiant (from Deep Space Nine--NX74205). Hopefully my chances for those would be pretty good. If either of those two are taken then I'm hoping that WOLFF won't be. If all three of those were to fail and I didn't have another opportunity at this time I'd consider getting the same seven digits that are on my current California would be fun continuity, ;-). Okay...well I might even get back on-line in a bit to length this post, but don't count on it. Oh wait, two more things.

Two days ago my driver and I ran into a FedEx driver and a DHL driver at the same instant out front of a building elevator, a rare moment I'm sure. And finally today we made a delivery to Baker & Baker Company, reminding me of my friend Mark! ;-)



  1. Interesting, Matt..., why did you have to make such an important phone call so late at night? ;-)


  2. And you didn't stop by to say hi?

    Enjoy the storm. Must be the same one that hit my brother in Dallas yesteryda. :)

  3. LoL, I thought that was Matt posting, Mark... you can imagine how confused I was even the fourth time that I read through it.

    *sigh* I need to do more than glance to see the first letter of the name of whoever is posting, I guess...

