Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Do y'all remember when employees of Fed-Ex and UPS were on strike? A joke running around was that the two companies would merge, becoming Fed-Up, ;-). Well I'm anything but fed up...I got the UPS job! :-) I start with an orientation tomorrow at 15:00 at the local office I'll be based out of. It is also wonderful because the job ends December 24th, and hopefully I'll be able to go home a day or two later in preparation for moving back out here. This is definately an answer to prayer.

Oh, and I also stopped by a temp agency on the way back to get them thinking about looking for work for me, though I'll not be available for other work until I return in the first or second week of January. I took a typing test and the guy helping me called a co-worker in to look. I had six mistakes on the five minute test portion so the other guy told me to retake the test. He said that if I could cut the mistakes down to 0-3, even if I was at 50-60 WPM it would be good. I did think that I typed significantly slower the second time, but apparently not. The one minute preliminary test was 85 WPM with 1 mistake (84 WPM adjusted) and the five minute actual test was 83 WPM with 2 mistakes (81 WPM adj). :-) I had no idea that I was this fast--and I credit it to my instant messanging and taking notes in class for four years, both of these definately helped my dexterity. Of course I actually made more mistakes than are noted above, but I corrected them with the backspace key. I would definately be a poor typer on a typewriter--I'm just too addicted to the backspace key and spell-checker. *sigh* Oh well, you can't with them all... ;-) Okay sorry, I don't mean to brag. I'm just quite happy!


PS I feel like a complete idiot!!! I was just now attempting to fill out an application to try to work as a bank teller, in my quest for permanent employment after I return in January. I accidentally clicked "Yes" in answer to the question of prior felony conviction. I was astonished when a screen popped up saying that I was ineligable for employment after just this basic step...then I went back and saw where I had misclicked. Unfortunately I wasn't able to resubmit the information and I cannot find an e-mail address of anyone that I can contact to explain my mistake. :( I'll keep exploring the website, but it looks as though this avenue may be cut off (when I tried to resubmit a correct answer it said I couldn't apply until one year from today). [12:41 CST]


  1. Hey, that's good news on the temp job. It might even turn into a full time thing if they like you.

    You do know you really want to move to Santa Clarita, however, right?

    So, we're still on for the 30th, right?

  2. Yeah, we're definately still on. I wouldn't miss it!


  3. How about the 31st? :)

    Can't believe I messed that up.

  4. LoL, I wondered what you all would be doing on the 30th... but I actually shrugged it off rather quickly, telling myself that odd people can think up odd things to do (myself included... I'd like to throw a party on the 30th).

    Oh... and don't feel too bad... hopefully henceforth, I'll remember that Christmas is on the 25th, up until a week ago, I kept confusing it with the 26th...

    Matt, start looking for jobs in CINCINNATI. There are a ton, I'm sure. The TN thing was temporary, remember? You were heading East for work... and East meant Cincinnati.


  5. "South, south is where the jobs are. South in Nashville"--so says your Aunt Rachel.

    Yeah, the 31st sounds good ;-). Oh...did y'all see my PS to the above post? *embaressed*


  6. In that case, I don't feel so bad about being a day off here or there. :)

    I've almost hit that box myself upon occassion.

    But do tell, Matt, what did you do?

    For the record, the 30th is ingrained in my brain since that's the day I'll be driving back to Santa Clarita so I can drive to Garden Grove the 31st. Lame excuse, but there it is.

  7. Um...um...I blasphemed against Babylon 5? No, calm down Mark, that was a joke!!!!

    ~Matt ;)

  8. Well that is a felony in all 50 states and part of Canada, so you checked the correct box.

    don't keep us in suspense. How did day 1 go?
