Tuesday, December 07, 2004

A New Dawn

Well another day, another dollar, and all that, except that I don't actually have work yet. I'm heading out now (a bit later than I should have :( ) to a local UPS office to interview for the position of driver helper. At $8.5 an hour for twenty hours a week it sounds good for my current condition. I'm not sure what will come of this, but I can always have hope, eh? :-) I'll post more later.



  1. $8.50 an hour? Only twenty hours a week?

    Why... at that rate... you could buy me all sorts of wonderful Christmas presents!

    I only get $1.69 an hour for 38 hours of week... combining work and school... and I don't get paid for overtime.

    Glad to see you finally jumped on the blogging bandwagon, Matt!


  2. Yeah...I am glad too. And I think I can keep it up as well. Oh, but I wish you could see previous comments as you typed...I'm having to remember what you typed as I type this, ;-). What did you mean though about the pay rate? I know 1.anything is well below federal minimum wages...I think I'm missing the mathematical reference you're making.

  3. He said it was work and school combined. He doesn't get paid for school.
