Wednesday, December 29, 2004

New Horizons

Well as Chris noted in his latest blog entry things were a bit turbulent down in Tennessee. I guess that things had been building for a while, but to some extent I was unaware. My brother and I, um, diplomatically I'll say discussed (and leave off any placing of blame or accusation since none were guiltless) certain things Christmas Eve morning. By the end of the day everything and everybody was much calmer. Just as when other unpleasant things have happened in my life I can look back on this event and recognize that while I don't like how it happened I can certainly appreciate how God used what happened. I now know more about my brother and have a better grasp on what would be required wherever I'm going. Currently I'm typing this from northern Kentucky and the house of my eldest sister. I've flown here prepatory to flying home and loading up all my stuff to drive back east. Now, assuming that things work out and we can make satisfactory arrangements, I'll be moving to this area (the Cincinnati area of Northern Kentucky) instead of Tennessee. In many ways I really did like Tennessee, but in other ways I don't think that it was the right choice for now. My brother is a great guy, and I love his family (those nephews are history buffs and love LEGOs! :-), and my sister-in-law is quite considerate and a great gal), but as this new opportunity presented itself it just felt right. I have prayed about this and feel that just as going to Tennessee for the month was good step, so too it was a learning experience that has led to this development in my progression towards independence that I believe I should embrace. I will be talking to my sister and brother-in-law in the days ahead to work out details and see what will and how things will work. Okay, enough of that sobering news...

Because of the problems mentioned above and my uncertainity about flying to Kentucky I didn't make it on-line for a while...I'm sorry to any avid readers (yeah right, like I'm that lucky!) but I wasn't able to keep to my once a day posting level that I'd set for myself. Currently I'm set to fly to California on Friday, so my plans with Mark are definately on track and won't be halted by anything short of a cancelled or overbooked flight! Oh, but one thing...he might have to help with a wee bit of packing to earn his keep... ;-) My parents have already packed up my books (only about a thousand at home to go through... :-) and bookcases. Whatelse I have will be my responsibility for me to pack and then get loaded up onto my U-Haul trailer for my cross-country jaunt. As previously planned we'll leave the morning of January third, hoping to make it back here before the end of the week. I should also be swinging by Tennessee to pick up those items which I didn't want to lug to California on the plane.

Okay, well I've been having a great time here in Kentucky. The first night Ryan was off at a friend's house so I just stole his bed... :-) Then last night he told me to go ahead and use it again and he would take the couch in his room. The only problem was that the dog insisted on sharing the bed and several times I woke up to find that she had scooted me over closer to the edge, so I was forced to move her back the other direction. Overall though it wasn't that bad...and it is a comfortable bed. I've been trying to be a help here, watching the little munchkins and doing dishes whenever I can. The kids are excited by the notion that Uncle Matthew may be moving back to the neighborhood, :-).

Yeah, Christmas...I bet you all want to hear about that, right? Well I had a bit of a small brother had gotten me a couple gifts, but nothing fancy (no problem there, I'm not complaining!!) as they had expected me to be leaving Christmas morning or evening. I recieved a book (on mysterious places like Stonehenge, Maccu Pichu, Atlantis, and others), a 2004 proof silver dollar (minted in West Point, and I didn't even know there was a mint, let alone a commemorative one there), and my nephews got me a new green flannel shirt. Most of my presents are lying beneath a Christmas tree in California. Hopefully I'll be able to see them before the end of the year... ;-) But hey, while there are no presents here in Kentucky (again I'm not complaining!!) I've got to spend time with three families this Tennessee, Kentucky, and hopefully in California with my folks.

Well I think I may very well have typed my longest post yet, but it was needed after I missed so many days. I really can't think of anything more to add at this time...oh wait, I lied! Apparently UPS called and wanted me to do some more work for them! Sadly my sister-in-law had to tell them that I was out of state...but perhaps I can arrange with them to get a referral and perhaps get hired part-time up here at a UPS office. I'm not sure if I can work anything out, but it certainly can't hurt to try! Okay, well that really is all I have to say, unless my horrible memory chooses to remember something else important before I end this. Hmm...apparently not... :-)



  1. wow...interesting turn of events...i'll be praying for you!!

    ~Mr. Chanonymous

  2. Yes, I've already been drafted in the help pack stuff brigade. Although I thought bringing Babylon 5 DVD's and Lost VHS's was enough to earn my keep.

  3. The logic that passed through this mind was that if you don't help him pack, he won't have time to watch them with you.

    Then again... that same logic said you ought to watch them in front of them with headphones on and laugh at him while he packs :-D

