Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Rising Sun

Well I'm sure that everybody's first blog entry is pretty similar...so I'll cut to the chase. This is an experiment that I hope to keep going for the indefinate and long-term future. I hope y'all enjoy reading this.

Now on to the real meat and potatoes... ;-)

I'm currently in Tennessee trying to find employment and living opportunities in preparation for a very likely (read going to happen unless something changes my mind) move back out here in January after a trip home (well now "mom and dad's) to get my stuff. I'm enjoying life out here and my brother is really helping me get going. It may seem somewhat frustrating as he tells me what I need to get going early each morning and get quite a bit done during the day, but I understand that it is all necessary. He does have twenty years of work experience on me and I'm really grateful for what he is doing and the wisdom that he offers.

On the internet front I hope to keep getting on-line regularly...y'all can help if you want by e-mailing me semi-regularly with e-mails that I need to reply to...and then I'll do my best to reply in kind. Or if you just keep in touch with me via the forum (if you post there, if not and you know me well ask about it).

I can't really think of more to post for now so I'll sign off. I might just post every so often...but I like the tri-weekly (I think that is what it is) format that my friend Mark has. So I might try to hold to that, but in the beginning post more often as I have more news and such to share.

Thanks for reading! (at least I hope there are readers out there *crosses fingers*) Please feel free to comment.


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