Thursday, January 13, 2005

Mark's Fault!!

Yeah, that is is all Mark's fault! First we go over to his apartment to watch Enterprise, then he gets me hooked on Babylon 5, then he gets me hooked on Lost because Mira Furlan (sp?) guest stars, then last night I get into Alias because I watch it after Lost. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Matt ;-)


  1. It's all part of my evil plot to turn the world in Alias fans.

    I only got to see the first segment before Tom went to bed. Plan to watch tonight before Jr. high group. I take it this means it's good!

    You know, if you were still around here, you could watch the previous three seasons with me....

  2. One of my nephews says that he might be able to borrow those DVDs from a friend...I hope so *crosses fingers* ;-) Yeah, or if you'd move out here! :-)

  3. I am never moving to Kentucky!

    (Now that I said never, see you tomorrow?)

    Man. I want to rewatch season 1 like you wouldn't believe.
