Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Okay, today I officially became the insurance owner on my vehicle, though it is not yet in my name--that should happen tomorrow. I've also purchased a AAA membership. Now that I think about it everything seems quite strange, changing everything to my address here in Kentucky has a final feel to it. Oh...speaking of final my sister and brother-in-law have officially made the adoption of their seventh child legal...they have custody of him now and will be returning to the US whenever they can get a flight. It will be the first time that I'll see him, though most of the family saw him this last summer.

I really should write more, but I also really need to get up to bed. Tonight's episode of Lost was great... Grrr Mark, why did you get me hooked? I can't wait for each new episode to air!!! :-) I also watched a few minutes of Napoleon Dynamite with my nephews with the commentary on (after watching it for the first time last night). It was, um, stupid, but also funny, and seemed quite realistic (in its feel, not necessarily every action). Okay, I'm just randomly rambling here...I need to quit and try to give y'all a good entry on the morrow. Until then, buenas noches amigos.



  1. More of the actions in Napoleon Dynamite are realistic than you probably realize.


  2. Wasn't it great? Lock is one strange dude!

  3. Of course, one problem they're going to have. When they really do kill off one of the characters, we won't believe it.

  4. That is true...I was sure that Charlie was dead when I saw that episode. Yeah, Locke is very strange...I was thinking that it was all real and wondering why the heck he did that. I knew something was up with the paste, but I wasn't sure what and I forgot about it. But I want to know what that hatch is about!!!!! ;-)

    Miah, yeah, I listened to some of the commentary and they kept saying "my brothers and I did this" or "this happened to me when..."
