Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Movies, Movies

Okay...its been a bit since my last update... Where to begin. Oh, what the heck, I'll go with the most recent, :-). My nephews (the two older ones) and I watched The Village tonight. I really enjoyed the movie. Just as with Signs it wasn't horror but more what I would call "suspensful drama." I was also pleasantly surprised by the director's movements with the movie...all around a good show. Last night we rented The Day After Tomorrow as The Village was out of stock. It was definately very liberal and Hollywood sensationalist, but a fun flick with good visual effects. I would recomend it as light entertainment if you know that the "moral" is nonsense. :-)

Yeah, Chris is going to bed, so I need to cut this post short. Okay, so I've been lazy...but also busy with other things! Really! :-) I'll really try to be better about updating this. Later...


1 comment:

  1. You better be, I know where you sleep!

