Monday, January 24, 2005

Things are looking up

I have been ignoring this blog, yes. But I've not been ignoring my life, I've been living it and journaling (yah know, that pencil and paper thing). Tomorrow I'll come down here and update my blog with the events I've been journaling instead of typing. Perhaps if I wasn't tied to a desktop monitor until I take my computer in to be fixed I'd be typing more entries, but I have to come down to the basement to go on-line on my computer, so I'm not always down here so much.



  1. My computer's not on the same floor as my bedroom, either, Matt!


  2. mine is ^_^ in fact it is where ever I want it to be...hehe...

    anyways just saying hi...i haven't had access to the 'net in a while so just dropping by to say hi.
