Sunday, January 09, 2005

Patience is a Virtue

Since my nephew Chris is so impatient I offer you this meager post. I left my journal out in my van and I'm too tired to get it so that I can update my blog with news of the trip. I do however leave notice that I intend to rectify this problem on the morrow by inputing the data that I recorded on my cross-country journey. Good night all.


PS Oh yeah, this post means that I have arrived back in Kentucky, safe and sound though with a sore throat and cough that I hope will be cleared up before I get any job interviews.


  1. "and I'm too tired to get it"

    um... which translates into: I'm lazy and don't want to walk like a grand total of 100 yards to get my journal.



  2. Yeah, but it would have been outside...and I think I was already getting ready for least mentally, ;-).

  3. Personally, I'm just glad to hear you made it home safe and sound.

  4. Back! Back! I meant to say back! CA is your home. You'll see that soon enough.

  5. For shame, Matthew... you've had this whole day and I don't see a blog update.


  6. Ask and ye shall recieve. Look now. :-P
