Monday, January 10, 2005

To Cross a Nation

Well I didn't quite cross the entire nation...but I went from only 20 or so miles from the Pacific Ocean to only 1.6 states away from the Atlantic. As promised here are my journal entries from the journey.

Motel 6, Kingman, Arizona 01.03.2005 22:06-

We left the house late today, not later than intended (no specific start time other than around noon was planned) but later than would be normal for a summer trip. We drove through patches of rain and dark clouds throughout the day. One time thick fog blanketed the hill beside the highway; I'm not sure how my picture turned out [it isn't bad, but doesn't show all of the fog bank]. I think that I drove perhaps a fifth or quarter of th time today. REally it wasn't that bad and after a good night's sleep I'm sure I'll be good for more tomorrow. I would have dozed off after my shift if I'd not been reading on my computer. At my sister's I'd opened the thread for Rust Red's Firestarter episode [but you have to read the other episodes first, I have them in .doc format--they are better than many published Star Trek novels I've read]. After much maneuvering of my malfunctioning screen I began to pick up where I'd left off. I didn't want to close my computer until I was done (with this excellent story) and so I kept going until I finished right outside the motel office. Right now I'm laying with my head on my (not the hotel's) pillow and legs off the side of the bed, ready to switch to my new devotional journal.

PS I fell asleep for a bit while writing in my devo journal, thus the lack of an ending time. --01.04.2005

I-40, Eastbound, east of Gallup, New Mexico 01.04.2005 16:16-16:21

We just passed an agnostic road sign reading "Gusty Winds May Exist." :-) The day has been precipitation filled with snow from just beyond Kingman, Arizona to perhaps (in my dad's estimation) 25 miles beyond Flagstaff. At some points we took it quite carefully, though my mom and I took pictures of teh "winter wonderland" scenery. Only a light drizzle is falling now though I see some patches of snow.

Microtel Inn and Suites, Albuquerque, New Mexico 01.04.2005 22:08-22:16

The rest of the day was mostly uneventful though I managed some good shots in a rest area and got in an hour nap that ended as we arrived in Albuquerque. I just finished up talking with my sister Cheryl, always something that I enjoy doing. I'm listening to Kutless as I write drown out Mom & Dad's devotions. I shall now switch to my devotional journal and randomly selected scriptures for my own devotions.

PS Pride Away by Kutless is quite appropriate background music for reading the end of Job (38--) --22:18

Irish Inn, Shamrock, Texas 01.05.2005 23:17-23:27

I might be listening to Kutless or Evanessence (sp?) if my computer was working. Grrr... I believe that the current problems are just related to the screen and I'll hopefully be able to use an external monitor as I back-up data [I can and I am].

Today was a pretty good day as we crossed northern New Mexico. Fortunately we managed to get two stations (Alburquerque and then Amarillo) of talk radio: Rush Limbaugh, Paul Harvey, Sean Hannity, and Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story.

When we stopped at a Texas Traveller's Information point near Amarillo we found out that roads were quite bad in Oklahoma. Though we had hoped to reach Elk City (OK) we settled for Shamrock Texas, not far from teh border. This also means that we will be able to hit the [Oklahoma] visitor center tomorrow.

Springdale, Arkansas 01.06.2005 22:00-22:30

This morning we rushed to the breakfast buffet after sleeping in. On the way back to the room we discovered that the van wouldn't start. After an hour of waiting the local AAA contractor got the van started (also after three attempts) we left for Oklahoma City along I-40 we saw ice in the ditches and coating all the tree branches (the latter were quite beautiful, especially when the sun was shining through later).

My throat was quite sore today, making it difficult to swallow. As a result I didn't drive, fearing I would be too uncomfortable and distracted.

At the suggestion of our host (a college friend of my parents) I just watched "Last of the Summer Wine" from the BBS. It was funny but quite strange [and definately very British humour].

Nolensville, Tennessee 01.07.2005 22:37-22:45?

We left the house at seven something this morning and by the time we left Wal-Mart with my generic Day-Quill in hand it was 07:30, our designated start time. Travelling through Little Rock and Memphis towards Nashville we encountered heavy rains much of the day. A combination of Day-Quill and Advil reduced the pain to a point where I could swallow and concentrate easier. I took my turn driving twice, the second for an hour or sow leaving Memphis (in heavy rain).

We had a good meal of chili and cornbread, though because of my throat I couldn't finish a full bowl [:(]. My brother and sister-in-law have just retired upstairs and I am about to start my devotions. Hopefully I can get to sleep before the Ny-Quill I took at 19:10 wears off :).

Nolensville, Tennessee 01.09.2005 08:04-08:12

Yesterday was a relaxing day, I even managed to feel as if I slept in though I woke coughing [quite] a bit. I helped the boys out with some Lego building. They had been trying to build a castle. I helped them expand it[,] fixed the portcullis so it could be raised and lowered and added a drawbridge. For the last I had to bring in my own castle to duplicate the machinery.

My brother and dad spent much of the day working on dovetailed boxes in the garage. At dinner (a nice meal of rice, corn, and salmon :) ) my dad and I opened our birthday gifts (as they would be too difficult to carry for so long). They were nice new flannel shirts like the one the boys got me for Christmas. [And it was my sister-in-law's idea to open the gifts early, not ours.]

Last night I fell asleep doing my devotions :( so I'll finish those later today. This morning I woke up with racking coughs which aren't bothering me at this very moment.

I-65, Northbound, north of Nashville, Tennessee 01.09.2005, 10:51-10:53

I just saw billboards advertising the sale of fireworks by Nervous Charlie and then Sad Sam.

I-65, Northbound, north of English, Kentucky 01.09.2005 15:49-15:52

Apparently we've passed at least three dead deer today, though I only saw the first (while I was driving). Also while driving I saw the National Corvette museum in Bowling Green. Right now we are listening to my soundtrack from Master and Commander.


  1. Haha... you know what's funny? Now that it's updated, I don't have the time to read it... I need to get to sleep. In fact, it might not get read until Wednesday after school!


    Oh well, I suppose the suspense can't be too great... after all, I know the main character of your entries doesn't die by the end of them... since you're alive right now (or... were an hour ago... last I checked).


  2. Interesting... I didn't know the National Corvette Museum was in Bowling Green... in fact, I didn't know much of anything at all was in Bowling Green... it's outside my area of legitimate territory in Kentucky.

