Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Slashing and Dicing

Yeah, that is what I spent the last couple hours doing last night...playing Dungeon Siege with my nephews... :-) I played the game a couple years ago when it was new...but I still really enjoy it, though I've not played it in two or more years. The graphics are still good enough that I wonder what the sequel will be like... :-)

Okay, I guess I'll let the cat out of the bag. A few hours after I posted my resume on and applied to a couple jobs I recieved a call. It was from a recruiter managing one of the listings that I'd applied for, the position of management trainee with Bob Evans Restaurants. Basically the restaurants (only in the east and mid-west) started out as a sausage farm and expanded into the family restaurant business. They recently purchased Mimi's Cafe in the west. Each unit is company owned and they like to hire management trainees straight out of college, no experience required (though my cafeteria work is a plus!!). I've talked with the recruiter several times and gone into a restaurant for lunch and to get an application. The application is completed and I have an interview time for Thursday with the area manager. Jonathan, the recruiter, is calling me back today to go over some aspects of the interview...then I go in Thursday. Everything is sounding really good, so I'm quite confident at this point, though I know that everything is up to God and as good as this all sounds it might not be what He has in mind for me. Training is for 13-14 weeks (paid of course) and then the job pays $28,000-$30,000 a year to start. So yeah, that is what I've been sitting on for a while... :-)

Well I've got stuff to do...more later.



  1. Sounds great. Let us know what happens.

  2. Bob Evans is the bestest restaurant ever invented (the one thing that must be sacrificed for living in CO)! I'm glad things are going well for you.
