Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Time to get up already?

Ah...yeah, that is what I felt like this morning...I was reading a bit late last night and so I didn't get up until 07:11. But I rapidly dressed and drove the kids to school. I woke Chris up at 07:22 (I think he ignored his alarm) but he wasn't ready in time so I drove off and left him to walk. I wouldn't have, but my sister told me to and said they know they have to be ready by 07:30.

I have sorely neglected this blog...I'm sorry! :( If I have any faithful readers please accept my apology.

A couple nights ago I saw that the Red Green show was on and so I watched two episodes with my nephew Ryan and then we saw a documentary on Steve Smith, the guy that plays Red Green. The show is great...duct tape fixes everything! Check your local PBS listings if you've never seen it, hopefully this Canadian export will be playing in your neck of the woods.

I do have some job news...but I want to wait just a bit longer before posting news. It all sounds good but I'm not completely sure if it will work.


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