Sunday, March 13, 2005

Almost Birthday

Image hosted by Okay, this is a bit premature...but it will be my birthday in just over four hours and thirty minutes as I type this (well the day of on the East Coast that is, technically the time won't come until later in the day on the West Coast, but only I'm that picky!).

Hopefully my sister will be making me a graham-cracker cake (the best dessert after Hungry Boy cookies, well perhaps even before them). I don't really expect too much to happen, except that my nephew Ryan (birthday on the 10th) and I will be celebrating on the same day when my brother-in-law isn't off on a trip. I'm just glad that I have a job with perhaps the posibility of another coming up (I will go into Atria within the next two days). And my computer will be ready to go (I promise) before I go to work on Thursday.

Bah...I could write more but Chris wants to go watch Stargate SG-1, so I'll join him momentarily. Until later...adios (Go with God).


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