Saturday, March 12, 2005

Exhibit Opens

Image hosted by Well the Monkey King exhibit opened last night for the museum member preview. It was a great night for me to get the hang of how everything works, primarily because only a few people showed up--we're expecting many more people to show up today. Honestly I wasn't sure how the job would be, but I think that I'm really going to enjoy it. Plus the fringe benefit of being able to tour the rest of the museum free, and bring in family at times (when I request tickets ahead of time) is quite nice.

I think I need to take Ryan into band practice at NKU so I need to cut this short and get ready to go. *sigh* At times it is interesting being the other driver around here! ;-) Oh, and it snowed yesterday evening and last appears somewhat thick (i.e. it has stuck) and looks great! :-) The roads look fine so I'm hoping that the snow sticks around for a while (at least a couple days). I'll enjoy looking at it and the kids and the dog will love playing in it.

Okay, I need to sign off for now, but I'll be back later, perhaps after work tonight. I've neglected this a tad in the last couple days.


PS That is a random "exhibit" picture from Google, actually a Santa Clause display I think, nothing to do with Monkey King.

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