Friday, March 04, 2005

GPF Comics

I would like to take this opportunity to talk about one of the Web Comics that I read, namely GPF Comics. I don't remember why I started reading the strip, perhaps it was John Morey that got me hooked, but whatever the reason I've never looked back. I started with the very beginning (well I started later but went back into the archives and caught up) and kept going. Not only are there fun and detailed storylines but I really like the characters. The latest storyline, however, is what really has my interest at the moment.

Providence is the name of the latest chapter of GPF (it starts with this strip). The best thing to do would be to read from the start of the comic, but many of you may not have the time or the desire. Therefore I'll give you a brief primer necessary to understand this chapter. Trudy has been many things, a traitor, an evil spy, and general other less than "nice" occupations. She is being pursued by a secret agency of the "good guys," the UGA as this storyline opens.

The reason I reccoment this ongoing chapter so much is because of the massive amount of Scripture contained within. Trudy meets a man who ministers to her wounds, both physical and spiritual. I was really impressed by how much Scripture the author (Jeff Darlington) has included. If he isn't a Christian then he certainly has a very good understanding of the Christian faith. Furthermore he doesn't just throw disjointed Scripture out there--it really fits and is applicable to the situations. The story is on-going but I would recomend reading it. 'Tis great fun and quite enlightening! ;-)


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