Thursday, March 03, 2005


Yeah, I've got Lost on the brain...but I can't help it! ;-) Okay, I promise just a couple things from last nights show then I'll move on to another topic... ;-)

4 8 15 16 23 42

Hmm...this could have something to do with the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!!! :-)

Aye, well then, here are a couple of the FFX backgrounds I found yesterday.

Yuna is a great character...but of course I especially love playing as the Aeons. There isn't anything quite like calling in Anima to take care of a problem, ;-).
Free Image Hosting at

Tidus was a fun character, and I'll admit that the revelation about him caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting him to be what he was.
Free Image Hosting at

Ah yes, Lulu, everybody's favourite irrasible magicianess, she did mean well.
Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at

Rikku was definately a strange character, though I liked how we were introduced to her early on and then again later.
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  1. I am simply posting a comment to check how Blogger will send a notice to my e-mail...I want to apply a filter so that I can automatically apply a label. Other than that I have no reason to comment on this blog as I'm not responding to a comment by anybody else, ;-).

  2. Hmm... emailing comments is a very good idea, Matt.


  3. Um, what was that list of numbers about?

  4. Why? Is there anything mathematically significant about them? They are numbers that have great importance on the show Lost.
