Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Ah, yes, it was a good evening watching Lost and Alias with my nephews. Normally I've stuck with CBS for my non sci-fi shows (like the CSI shows, NCIS, Cold Case, JAG, The Agency, The District), but I've really latched onto Lost. Now while I'll keep watching Alias I don't enjoy it as much--in many ways it seems a bit over the top and unrealistic (for one all of the close family ties make for interesting stories but don't seem to be too stable).

Anyway I really enjoyed seeing Mira Furlen again tonight, go Delenn!! :-) (Thanks IMDB for the right spelling, I forgot that extra n at first) It was also cool to finally see something about Hurley. I'm not sure what it is about this show that attracts me, but it definately does. If I had to severely limit my TV watching Lost would definately be one of the very last shows I'd cut out of my schedule. Others I enjoy watching, but I can catch them anytime...I really want to see each new episode of Lost. Yeah, and I'm frustrated that we have yet another rerun next week!! :(

As long as Mark remembers that this is all his fault (he showed me my first show, the first one with Mira Furlen as the crazy Frenchwoman) I'll be happy to keep watching and thanking him. ;-)

Well I think I'll be on the computer for a bit longer, but probably not too long. I think that I want to see if I can get farther into my book tonight. The trilogy is nearing completion (well really a duology where the second book was split in two) and I can't wait to see how various clues and threads are brought together.

Oh yeah, I downloaded some very cool Final Fantasy X backgrounds earlier this evening. While I do like Google for some things I'll definately use Altavista's image search which allows me to specify the size of the pictures that I want. This is definately important when I'm searching for a background for a computer of higher resolution than the 800x600 that Google Image considers large.



  1. Wait. You mean Delenn was on the show again last night? Now I can't wait to watch it. Why must I work today?

  2. Yes she was...the crazy Frenchwoman is back!! I saw her name right after we got back from the first commercial break and was quite excited!

  3. She needs to become a recuring character. Her scene with Hurley was amazing!

    Tom was watching with me by that point, and I made some reference to Delenn. He said, "So that's why I recognized her. I knew she looked familiar, but couldn't place it." Corrupting another one. :)
