Wednesday, April 13, 2005

National Treasure

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Last night I watched National Treasure at the local dollar theater (the ticket cost a whopping $1.75! ;-) ). I'd really wanted to see this movie after Mark told me more about it. The first time I heard about it I was quite skeptical, however I heard from many people that it was a fun flick. Indeed it was, though at the start I told myself "suspend disbelief" several times. Really though except for all of the lucky breaks that the heroes had through the movie it was somewhat believable that this chain of events could have happened. Basically it wasn't so far out in left field that I couldn't enjoy the movie. :-) Oh, and there wasn't anything offensive in the movie, none of the stuff that I normally hate to see crop up for one scene in the midst of an otherwise good movie, or foul dialogue--there was none. All in all I'd really recomend this movie, it was and excellent two hours.

Oh, it was also fun to see actors I'd recently seen in other movies. Of course the antagonist lead was played by Sean Bean (Boromir in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings) and one of henchmen was a Scottish actor (or at least with the looks and accent of one) that I've seen several other places (apparently his name is Stewart Finlay-McLennan and he is from Australia--heck it is still more British than American so I wasn't that far off!). Also Jon Voight (Mr. Sir in Holes and in Mission Impossible) was in the movie, playing the father of Nicholas Cage's Benjamin Franklin Gates).


PS Here is a fascinating factoid courtesy of the Internet Movie Database:
"Although the exteriors of Independence Hall were shot on location, the interiors were done at the Independence Hall replica at Knotts Berry Farm in Buena Park, California during December 2003."


  1. For some reason, I was thinking you saw it with us, but it was just the other white Matt and Casey.

    Fun flick, isn't it? I can't wait until it hits DVD.

  2. Aye, quite fun. For some reason I can't find your blog post about it. I tried searching your blog for "National Treasure" but it didn't come up--I was sure you'd written about it in your blog--but perhaps it was just on the forum.

    Yeah, that will be a good one to get on DVD. I wonder if any of the history profs saw it...

  3. Yeah, the disbelief suspension is only bad at the beginning. Once you accept the idea that the Ancient Egyptians, the Knights Templar and the Freemasons are all part of a vast global conspiracy, everything else falls into place.

  4. lol Yeah, though of course the Egyptians were only involved insofar as their treasure was stolen. But the idea of the Knights Templar starting the Freemasons was quite interesting as conspiracy theories go.

    Did you notice that the FBI agent was a Freemason?
