Thursday, April 14, 2005


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Yeah, I, uh, fell down the stairs tonight. I was standing to the side to let my sister and nephew walk up and when I turned to start down again my foot must have come down wrong. The next thing I knew I was sliding down the stairs, bumping hard on each one and unable to grab anything to slow my descent. Yeah, it wasn't too much fun--I wouldn't recomend the experience.

Work today was slow--we did have 165 people, but that was mainly due to several school groups (mostly well behaved). I'm just glad we didn't do as bad as Monday (94)--our first day below 100, :(. Well I have to stay awake so that I can switch laundry loads, but at least I've got some webcomics I can read. :-) Of course I'm also back into the Deathstalker series (having checked all the volumes out from the library), but I'm mainly saving those for work.



  1. Ouch... are you in one piece?

    ~ Julie

  2. Aye, I am. Thanks for the sympathy. No lasting injuries that I can detect, ;).

  3. Hmm... yeah, saving books for work. Sounds like you've got it rough.

    Oh, wait... if I'd wanted to, I could have taken a 90 minute nap at work today before coming home. :-)

