Sunday, June 19, 2005

Look who the cats dragged in

Today was another good visit with The Baker. I saw Mark when he came through with a long layover Thursday morning and I took him out to breakfast before I went in to work. Today I brought him back to the house when he got in a while before one. First though I took him to the museum center so he could see that and so he'd have been to Ohio, his 22nd state (counting airports). When we came by the house Chris surprised him, coming up behind him and giving him a one-armed bear hug. They'd seen pictures, and talked on-line, but never actually met. Of course before he left I had to take Mark by the library. He pronounced it good after finding Trixie Beldon books in the kids section. Oh, and he gave me a Trixie book! Now that I've finished watching all of Babylon 5 (except for three of the TV movies and Crusade) he is determined to get me hooked on another one of his obsessions. ;-) I'd be mad, but he has such good taste in fiction! *sigh*

Calling in Sick

Onesome: I can't come in--Have you ever locked yourself out of the house or the car? How'd it happen, and how did you get back in? Once while still living with my parents I did lock myself out of my car at the library. I think that was before I carried my keys on a carabiner. The library is only a short distance from the house so my dad was able to come and get me in, after I called him.

Twosome: to work today-- What is your dream job and why? Ohh, tough one. Probably one that let me read all day and get paid for it, ;-). But honestly, at this point I think what I'd really like to do is be a librarian--a school librarian. I'd be able to work with kids and be around books all the time. Plus I'd get summers off. :)

Threesome: because I...-- What's the worst excuse you've ever given or heard of for not going into work/ school? Why did you really call in? The only excuse I've ever given was being sick, when I really was. I actually don't think I've ever actually heard any insane ones. Sorry. :)



  1. It was so great to see you both times. I didn't want to leave. Could you tell?

    I'm glad to know you approve of my taste in fiction. Let me know when you've read that book.

  2. I will. I might even read it as soon as I'm done with my current book.

    Yeah, I didn't really want to take you back to the airport. ;-)

  3. *sigh*

    Matt, you should have let me know. We could have locked him up somewhere until he'd missed his flight... then told him we'd help him move the rest of his belongings out here and the two of you could get an apartment nearby.

