Monday, June 13, 2005

Words that come together

Thanks to Mark and LunaNiƱa for this.

  1. Wally:: Park
  2. Phantom:: of the Opera
  3. Slippery:: soap
  4. Fungus:: mushrooms
  5. Slot:: machine
  6. Type:: writer
  7. Discharge:: papers
  8. "We need to talk”:: trouble
  9. On the spot:: light
  10. Liquid:: soap

Yeah, I'm feeling rather poorly today--sick am I. I thought I was getting over a cold until I woke up yesterday morning with a throat sore enough that it hurt to swallow and a cough. *sigh* It was at its worst this morning when I woke up before seven after a restless night--but it is better now. There is still discomfort when I swallow, but it isn't as bad.



  1. Glad it seems you're doing better.


  2. Next week shall we go for half the same? Although I'm surprised I got Phantom Menace na dyou put of the Opera. I would have thought you'd be more likely to make a sci fi connection.

  3. Yeah, true, I'm not sure what I was thinking... ;-) Hmm...half, I'm sure our great minds can do that. *concentrates* There, did you get that telepathic message?

  4. You must have recieved it perfectly. I told you to ask me "I'm sorry, what was that?" Wow!!
